Loose Fill Surfaces
Shredded Rubber Mulch & Engineered Wood Fiber
Shredded rubber mulch and engineered wood fiber are popular loose fill surfaces that are compliant with safety standards. Our loose fill products are a great, cost-effective option for safety surfacing. Learn more about our loose fill options below.

Our ProductShredded Rubber Mulch
Our rubber mulch is made of recycled content, creating a pliable, resilient, permanent surface to help reduce damage from falls, and to discourage mold, mildew and insects. People like this option because of its soft landing and more natural look. Also, recycling is always a good option. We proudly recycle tires in the U.S. to make this product.
Playground Rubber Mulch provides a colorful, long-lasting option for loose fill surfacing. Because it is made of recycled rubber, it provides an excellent, springy surface for shock absorption.
Using rubber mulch for playgrounds is a great option that's more cost-efficient than full rubber tiles or pour-in-place surfacing. The rubber mulch provides an effective springy surface to protect children from falls on the playground. It's also 100% recycled from old car tires, playing its part in helping our environment.

Our ProductBenefits of Shredded Rubber Mulch
Our shredded rubber mulch retains its resiliency year round and is available in an array of vibrant colors to enhance your playground or planting areas.
- One of the highest impact attenuation ratings
- Soft-touch, splinter free
- Won’t blow away or over-compact, saving maintenance and money
- Mold, animal, and insect resistant
- Does not freeze when installed properly

Our ProductEngineered Wood Fiber
Engineered Wood Fiber is popular across parks and playgrounds in the U.S. due to its lower initial price point.
Engineered Wood Fiber delivers a natural look and excellent fall height compliance. Great for community builds as well. A group can install without expert labor. It does require ongoing raking and occasional topping off during its lifetime due to compaction and decomposition. This maintenance will help ensure the correct material depth of the playground wood fibers for compliance with safety and accessibility standards. Once the newly installed Engineered Wood Fiber has settled, it forms a “knitted” layer that is designed to support a variety of mobility devices including wheelchairs, crutches, and walkers.
- Consider Rubber Wear Mats to avoid compliance issues after the wood is moved around and out of high use areas!
- Refer to our Rubber Playground Borders to contain the EWF.
- Ask about accessible ADA playground mulch
- Curious about how much you need? Use our playground mulch calculator to learn how much engineered wood fiber your should buy.

Our ProductBenefits of Engineered Wood Fiber
Engineered wood fiber mulch (EWF) is an economical playground surfacing or landscaping option. It's easy to install, and it meets all accessibility guidelines. Engineered wood fiber is able to absorb a high amount of impact and force, but it's also firm and slip resistant. Wheelchairs, crutches, and walkers can move efficiently across a playground surface made out of engineered wood fiber. Here are a few reasons you should buy engineered wood fiber:
- Provides superior fall attenuation
- Lowest installation cost
- Attractive, natural look
Product Data
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Info Sheet
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