Loose Fill Rubber Mulch
Playground Rubber Mulch provides a colorful, long-lasting option for loose fill surfacing. Because it is made of recycled rubber, it provides an excellent, springy surface for shock absorption.

Description Rubber Mulch
Made from 100% recycled from old car tires
Our Playground Rubber Mulch is available in six colors and is comprised of a mixture of crumb shredded rubber and shredded rubber buffings to help aid in cushioning. Using rubber mulch for playgrounds is a great option that's more cost-efficient than full rubber tiles or pour-in-place surfacing. The rubber mulch provides an effective springy surface to protect children from falls on the playground.

Description Rubber Mulch
Product Benefits
- One of the highest impact attenuation ratings
- Soft-touch, splinter free
- Won’t blow away or over-compact, saving maintenance and money
- Mold, animal, and insect resistant
- Does not freeze when installed properly
Additional Product Information
See below for additional product information and support files.
Additional Product Information
As a loose fill surface, it will require some additional maintenance to rake it back into place when children kick it out of high use areas such as under swings but will not require decomposition top offs because unlike organic materials it will not decompose over time.
Our Playground Rubber Mulch is available in six colors and is comprised of a mixture of crumb shredded rubber and shredded rubber buffings to help aid in cushioning. It provides a natural and attractive look for the play area and can be used in landscaping applications to help plant roots retain moisture. Although Playground Rubber Mulch is one of the best options for cushioning falls, other playground surfacing products may a better fit for play areas where accessibility for mobility devices is a strong consideration. We recommend geotextile barrier fabric, drainage systems, and wear mats as part of a complete Playground Rubber Mulch system. Containment curbs are required to maintain depth and prevent the surfacing from migrating to non-play areas. This product is also sometimes called shredded rubber or loose fill rubber surfacing.
- Product is wire free, having a free metal content of less than .01%
- Shredded rubber chunks comprised of recycled tire rubber from whole passenger and/or truck tires
- Clean, non-toxic and does not produce toxic leachate from water draining through surface
- Most playground installations utilize 6 inches of loose fill rubber material
- 10 year limited color warranty
Color Chart
View the product color chart here.
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